Buffy the Gilmore Slayer: A Buffy and Gilmore Girls Podcast
Buffy the Gilmore Slayer: A Buffy and Gilmore Girls Podcast
Why's He Wearing That?
Buffy S5 E5 “No Place Like Home"/Gilmore Girls S5 E5 "We Got Us a Pippi Virgin"
Buffy and Emily discover that Giles and Richard own some unusually flashy garments, and the ladies do NOT approve. To keep herself safe, Emily buys a panic room, and Buffy learns that in a way, Dawn is a panic room. Spike and Zack take some time to process their new romantic feelings. Buffy meets perhaps her toughest opponent yet, but not as tough as Luke and Dean were on that Bop It. A seemingly nice, normal, Sunnydale man later needs to be strapped to a table. Maybe someone should've tried that with Luke after his mood swing. But one thing is certain: Kyle is CRUSHING it.
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Introduction - 0:00
Buffy S5 E5: No Place Like Home - 6:19
Meanwhile on Charmed - 42:56
Gilmore Girls S5 E5: We Got Us a Pippi Virgin - 45:57
The Winner - 1:25:12
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Bryan & Stacey
Buffy the Gilmore Slayer/Bryan & Stacey
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Theme song written and performed by @louiearonowitz