Buffy the Gilmore Slayer: A Buffy and Gilmore Girls Podcast
The one and only Gilmore Girls AND Buffy the Vampire Slayer podcast brought to you by comedians/real life couple Bryan Morris & Stacey Kulow. Bryan grew up obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Stacey is a huge Gilmore Girls fan, but neither of them have ever seen the other's favorite show. Together they watch their way through both excellent 7-season series, discussing an episode from each show every week, in an attempt to figure out which show is better. Bryan & Stacey are New York-based writer/performers, both born and raised in the Midwest. They met doing improv in Madison, Wisconsin and have been together for over a decade.
Buffy the Gilmore Slayer: A Buffy and Gilmore Girls Podcast
Veronica Mars 1.5 You Think You Know Somebody
Subscriber Episode
Bryan & Stacey
Well, well, well, yet another new white boy of the week gets into a bit of a pickle involving a Piñata and an angry gym rat. The level of quality that printers are able to achieve varies greatly throughout the episode. The counters in the Mars kitchen were clearly made by the same people who made the Stars Hollow snowmen. And Bryan shares a story about a time he almost wasn't allowed into Canada.
We did skip the whole part about Veronica finding spy photos of herself in her mom's secret safety deposit box, but we'll go over that next time. Girl's going through a lot!
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